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Indoor Air Quality

Is your home stuffy, excessively dusty, or just downright uncomfortable? If so, your home’s indoor air quality may be compromised. Issues with your home’s humidity levels or air quality can lead to health issues and damage to your home. If you notice any issues with your home’s air quality, reach out to the technicians at Hill-Air Heating & Air Conditioning today.

Hill-Air has proudly provided the residents of the Cincinnati Tri-State area with timely, dependable, and professional IAQ and HVAC services since 1986. Contact us today to learn more about our dependable services.

Air Filtration Solutions

Did you know the air quality in your home is 2 to 5 times more polluted than the air outside? Oftentimes, homeowners pay close attention to the temperature of the air inside their homes but forget to monitor the quality. Poor air quality can be detrimental to the health of your family members, especially those who suffer from allergies, asthma, and other respiratory illnesses.

Installing air filtration equipment can greatly improve the air quality in your Greater Cincinnati area home. Air filtration solutions such as whole house air cleaners and air purifiers can effectively remove harmful contaminants from your air supply, including dust pollen, pet dander, and allergens so they don’t recirculate back into your home’s living areas. Some of our most effective air filtration devices can inactivate 99% of pathogens from the air, including bacteria and viruses.

Talk to Hill-Air Heating & Air Conditioning about our full range of indoor air quality products and services, including:

  • Air Purifier Repair
  • Air Purifier Installation
  • Media Air Cleaner Repair
  • Media Air Cleaner Installation
  • UV Air Cleaner Repair
  • UV Air Cleaner Installation
  • UV Lights


Summers in Fairfield, OH, and the Greater Cincinnati area can be very hot and humid, causing the indoor relative humidity levels to rise well above the recommended range of 30-45% in the winter and 45-60% in the summer, making the air feel uncomfortable and clammy. High humidity can have a negative effect on your health, leading to lower energy, lethargy, and even hyperthermia in severe cases. Elevated humidity levels can also cause mold to grow due to excess moisture, damaging your home. Having Hill-Air install a whole-house dehumidifier in your HVAC system can remove excess moisture from your air supply for a more comfortable home environment. Contact Hill-Air for dehumidifier repair and dehumidifier installation.

Dehumidifier Installation


On the other hand, low humidity levels can also wreak havoc on your home and health. We all know that winters in the Cincinnati Tri-State area can be extremely cold and dry. Dry air can cause health issues such as asthma, sinusitis, bronchitis, and other respiratory ailments. Dry air can also zap the moisture from wood flooring and wood furniture, causing them to crack and warp. With the installation of a whole-house humidifier, you can keep indoor humidity levels above 30% to improve the health of your family and home. For whole-house humidifier repair and humidifier installation, contact Hill-Air.

Carbon Monoxide Detector Installation

You probably have fire and smoke detectors installed across your home, but how about carbon monoxide detectors? CO alarms detect the presence of carbon monoxide, which is called the “silent killer” because it’s odorless, colorless, and tasteless. It can lead to severe health issues and even death. CO detectors should be installed on every floor of your house, including the basement and near or over attached garages. They should be located within 10 feet of each bedroom. Hill-Air can install carbon monoxide detectors across your home to keep your family safe from this dangerous gas.


Better control of your home’s air quality starts with better controls. If you’re still using a manual thermostat in your home, you could be wasting money on energy in your home. Digital and smart thermostats can help you save money by programming heating and cooling schedules. When no one is home during the day, the thermostat can automatically adjust so you aren’t heating or cooling an empty space. Then, you can program your thermostat to raise the temperature so your home is just right when you walk in the door. Many digital thermostats can provide humidity readings and controls, which can enhance your home’s comfort. Talk to Hill-Air about upgrading the thermostat in your home. If it’s difficult to change the temperature settings in your home, or your HVAC system struggles to reach the set temperature, your thermostat could use repairs. Hill-Air can also repair your thermostat if needed to help improve your home environment.

Improve Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality with Help from Hill-Air!

At Hill-Air, we care about the health of our customers and their families, which is why we offer a full range of indoor air quality solutions, from air purifier installation to humidifier repair. If your home feels dry, stuffy, or uncomfortable, reach out to the indoor air quality specialists at Hill-Air to inspect your home’s air quality. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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